Fanfiction as Genre
Role Reversal/Swap Fic
Role Reversal or Swap Fics switch the places or roles of the characters within a literary work -- the protagonist becomes the antagonist, the damsel in distress becomes the hero, or maybe it's as simple as a male character becoming female. Role Reversal fanfictions question how expected roles form a character's identity. Who would Luke Skywalker be if he became a Sith Lord instead? How would the Ninja Turtles fight crime if they were suddenly teenage girls? Role Reversal fanfictions examine how identity affects the every day lives of a character (and those performing similar roles).
Role Reversal fanfictions questions our social norms by putting a character in an opposing role. They reflect the author's curiosity about a different identity than their own or even critiques of the roles they are expected to play. Role Reversals can offer a space for young female authors and readers to discuss how they are perceived as women and envision realities where they are treated differently.